
You can follow the development of the website and its applications, news and notifications on requested topics.

  • 2024-07-12 07:37:23

    Dear Readers,
    We regret to inform you that due to legal reasons, this website will cease operation in a few months. Below are instructions for handling some accounts and other matters. 1. There is no need to worry about the privacy and security of your account, it will be cleared when the matter is over. 2. For unexpired supporters, we will refund as much as possible after the court proceedings are concluded. If a refund is not possible, we will convert the compensation to the original website for a similar period. 3. From this moment on, all novels will cease any updates and other operations. 4. From this point on, we will no longer be responsible for the novels uploaded to this website by readers themselves, nor will we be able to repair and restore such lost or damaged data. The above are some of the aftermath and compensation measures taken by this website. From now on, we will shift our work focus to the original website of "" and will no longer engage in any illegal work. In addition, "" is a legal and formal novel website, and you are very welcome to write and read there.(If you want to become an author, please go to the bottom of the new website to join its discord server and contact the administrator to apply.) Sorry again due to force majeure legal reasons, thank you all for your support. We will meet again under the sun eventually.
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  • 2024-01-09 11:22:22

    Dear Readers,
    It’s another New Year, and I wish everyone a happy 2024. We have been running for 4 years and have been providing a free and fun entertainment venue for avid readers on the Internet. Starting from the "catastrophe" period in 2022, we have gradually begun to win the favor of more and more people through some unique advantages. To be more precise, it should be the novel "TAP" that has been suspended from updating on the entire network, Be discovered and recognized by people. During this period, we were liked by readers, but strictly speaking, we touched the interests of a very important group of people and caused some damage to the ecological environment of the entire industry. Since the establishment of the website, we have received various threats, threats, and emails begging for mercy. There is also a "new disaster" that occurred in 2023, causing most novel updates to be interrupted. These experiences gave us new ideas. We plan to develop a new, original website containing only "original works". This means it will be completely isolated from our current aggregator websites. But don't worry, our current website will still be up and running. In addition, our original intention will not change - to allow readers to read your favorite works for free or at a small cost. But this time we need to take into account another group, that is, the 'author group'. Without good financial support, it will be difficult to create excellent works. Maybe you will say that we act based on 'ideals', but after all, people like that It's a minority. To achieve these two points. 1. Readers can read excellent works for free or at a small cost. 2. The author can get paid as much as possible. This can only be achieved at the expense of most platforms’ profits. So this idea has been brewing in my head for a few months and now I've perfected it and posted it here for comments. The main idea is that after new chapters are released every day, old chapters will be free. On the author's side, the platform completely gives up profit sharing and gives all pricing and charging rights to the author himself. This can theoretically solve the problem of high fees for reading novels caused by the traditional per-chapter charging model, which takes away most of the author's actual income. Now we need a lot of opinions to confirm whether to implement this project. Because it requires a lot of manpower and material resources. Generally speaking, we will lack works in the early stage, so the survey generally is, how many people want to be authors? Please don't cringe at this question just yet, Because it's a good thing. Most of our readers are young and middle-aged. Maybe you are in school or working. But if you have time to read novels, you should also have time to write. When your work achieves some success or you become a good writer, your life in both the spiritual world and the material world will be improved, so why not try it when you are interested? I firmly believe that as long as you persist, you will definitely receive the gift of life. For example, the author of SS, which is now popular on the Internet, was once a reader of a popular novel. So anything is possible. Without further ado, please choose from the options below and leave a comment. Please try not to post irrelevant content. A. I might become a writer. B. I will support it as a reader. C. I'll probably come here with the work I'm currently publishing. D. I don't understand what you're saying at all, and I'm not interested in it either. This survey will last for 15-30 days. The votes will be posted here every day. If you choose A and want to learn more about the details, you can go to Discord or email us to communicate. Thank you for your support over the years. Day three votes: A: 69 B: 302 C: 6 D: 6
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  • 2023-12-24 03:23:12

    Dear Readers,
    We have made the following system updates 1. Fixed the known white label error, which involves hundreds of thousands of pages. There may be omissions. If you still have this problem, please contact us. 2. Added an introduction about lk to the novel page. 3. In order to purify the messages in the comment area, we have released new comment rules. Please read the rules carefully when posting comments to avoid unnecessary trouble. 4. Optimized the loading speed of web pages. 5. New book listings will resume on December 30. 6. Fixed the problem of not receiving email after registration. If you have any further questions please contact us via email or Discord Server. Happy reading.
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  • 2023-12-13 10:12:46

    Dear Readers,
    If you encounter a Whitelabel Error Page on a chapter page, please first clear your browser cache for this website and then refresh the page and this will be restored immediately. In addition, the cause of this problem is under investigation, and we will notify you when it is completely resolved.
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  • 2023-12-09 07:10:39

    Dear Readers,
    1. We have restored the old site, so now we will run dual master site -> lights and pandas. You can log into either site based on your preference because their data is interoperable. 2. 90% of novel updates have been restored, and only 20-30 novels have not been restored. If your favorite novel has not been updated, please contact us, maybe it has been forgotten. Finally, thank you all for your patience. To make sure you don't get lost, you can join a Discord server to stay up to date on any news.
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  • 2023-11-25 13:33:12

    Dear Readers,
    Due to some reasons, most of our novel updates have been interrupted. So far, we have resumed daily updates of the top 200 most read works on the website, and are repairing all novels at a rate of 10-20 per day. So don't worry about your favorite works not being updated temporarily, they will usually be back to normal in a few days. In addition, regarding the uploading of new novels, we will not consider uploading new novels until we resume daily updates of existing novels. (According to the schedule, new novels will not be uploaded for at least a month) Of course, there is an exception, and that is novels uploaded by the authors themselves, so if you don't like the genre, please ignore them.
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  • 2023-09-16 12:50:04

    Dear Readers,
    For Google login issues, just clear your browser cache or try logging in a few more times to succeed.
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  • 2023-06-22 12:44:33

    Dear Readers,
    Service has been restored. Cause: File corruption due to an unexpected power outage in the data center. If you encounter inaccessibility or other problems, please contact me.
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  • 2023-03-14 10:01:35

    Dear Readers,
    LK=Like It is the compliment you get after posting a comment in the community. High LK can benefit in current and future sites. In addition, I have made an advanced filtering function. It is in the navigation menu, please contact me if you find any problems in use. Thanks.
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  • 2023-02-08 11:28:55

    Dear Readers,
    The website has been updated, please clear the browser cache (within 24 hours) to access normally.
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  • 2023-01-16 04:28:19

    Dear Readers,
    The issue that occurred on January 14 has been resolved and switched back to a full-service cluster. Network stability and website functionality were tested and returned to normal. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
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  • 2023-01-14 10:29:52

    Dear Readers,
    Sorry, there is a problem with the data center and it has not been resolved after 3 hours. We use a backup solution to temporarily fix it, and wait for the problem device to return to normal before switching. (After testing, the basic functions have been restored except that the red label search service is unavailable.) In addition, there is a good news announced in advance. According to the previous update frequency of the website, there have been no new releases for 2 months. Let me briefly talk about what we have done during this time. 1. First of all, we have collected a lot of user feedback, such as: optimizing the page-turning method of the PC keyboard arrow keys, adding a multi-label filtering function module for novels, and adding more important value-added services for "special users" (such as VIP and high LK users). It will be available in about 4 weeks. 2. Completed the development of android and ios applications. After reference comparison of dozens of popular applications, its experience has surpassed most similar products. Currently in the final stages of internal testing. It will be launched in about 1 week and will be pushed to some users for public testing.
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  • 2022-11-05 08:31:39

    Dear Readers,
    For a better user experience, we have just done a network expansion. We apologize for page errors caused by temporary service fluctuations. Now back to normal. thanks for your support.
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  • 2022-10-11 10:33:04

    Dear Readers,
    Due to pre-search related features, users using automatic translation will get a white screen when accessing the page. We have temporarily removed the pre-search function and restored it to the original search function. The problem of the white screen of automatic translation has been solved. Please clear your browser cache and read it. Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. If you have other questions, please use the announcement message or email to contact us.
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  • 2022-10-06 04:53:56

    Dear Readers,
    We made a website update 1. According to the suggestions of users, we have stripped the scoring function of the novel details page and created a new scoring section independently. 2. Scoring module Each user can only rate a novel once. 3. At the same time, the function of chapter selection is also stripped, and you can jump to the function page at any time through the plug-in in the chapter. 4. Add tts voice reading function 5. Add announcement comments 6. Increase the number of user likes 7. In order to expose some excellent novels with potential low karma, the "lucky" function has been added. It is activated automatically by the system without human intervention. Once selected, a value greater than the current karma will be randomly assigned (the original karma value will be crossed out), and the updater will update the novel according to the new karma. 8. A score list and a karma list have been added to the Twelve Novel Recommendation List. 9. Fixed some adaptation issues in dark mode. ps: There are still some details that are being fixed. If you have additional questions or suggestions, please contact us via bulletin comments or email. Thanks for your support.
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  • 2022-09-02 04:18:00

    Dear Readers,
    We have made some optimizations to the login function. Now it is back to normal. Please clear your browser cache and log in again. If you have any questions, please contact me in time. Thank you.
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  • 2022-08-28 08:45:34

    Dear Readers,
    We have made a website update. 1. library capacity is increased to 24. 2. Added novel recommendation function (the entrance is in the personal center). 3. Added "karma" stats. For more information, see Karma Rules. 4. Fix the problem of line break display in the comment area. Thank you for your support, please contact me if you have any questions.
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  • 2022-08-19 04:03:32

    Dear Readers,
    New book recommendations and other features will go live early next month. Users who currently have new book recommendation needs, please use the "Search" function to determine whether they already exist. If not, please contact me via comments or email for the moment.
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  • 2022-07-14 10:44:44

    Dear Readers,
    This update is as follows 1. Fix the problem of text confusion and blank display after chapter page translation in Google Browser (because the page structure has been modified, if you find missing content when reading, please contact me through chapter error report or email) 2. Fixed the issue of displaying the latest chapter after inserting the chapter in the novel 3. Fixed the problem that the page is not redirected after the account is logged out 4. Reduced some advertising units 5. Optimized some user styles The above content has been updated and will take effect after the browser cache is cleared. PS: I haven't slept for two days and nights because I have so many problems to deal with. After updating the novel today, I plan to go to bed early. Reviews will not be processed until tomorrow. Please forgive me for any inconvenience. Thank you for your support. Love all.
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  • 2022-07-13 07:27:52

    Dear Readers,
    Well, after a day of debugging, we have activated the detection function of the ad blocker. We have tested various browsers such as chrome, safari, opera and firefox to ensure that the web page preview without blocking plug-ins is normal. If you are sure that the pop-up window still exists after it is not opened, please contact me in time. (It is recommended to use chrome and safari, please clear the cache to experience)
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  • 2022-07-12 05:06:43

    Dear Readers,
    1. Optimized the personal center page, you can edit the user name 2. Added the quick page-turning function of the pc-side plug-in 3. Added the recommendation pop-up window that jumps out of the content page 4. Optimized some styles in comments The above is all the content of this update, you can experience it after clearing the cache. Thank you for supporting us.
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  • 2022-07-02 06:08:42

    Dear Readers,
    We are done with this update 1. Refactored the comment module and added the chapter page comment function. 2. Optimize the chapter page plugin, delete multiple backgrounds, and only keep black and white. 3. Added bookshelf notification function after book update. 4. Expand the capacity of the bookshelf. 5. Chapter error correction, specific input reasons and other details are optimized. Please clear cookies and try again. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Thanks for your support.
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  • 2022-07-01 07:30:40

    Dear Readers,
    A new version of the site will be released from 2:00AM to 5:00AM EST It will be temporarily unavailable during the update. Please understand that.
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  • 2022-06-02 04:10:18

    Dear Readers,
    Fixed some issues 1. Solved the problem that the white screen of the jump page and the comment content cannot be seen in dark mode 2. Fix the problem that the number of replies displayed under the main comment on the mobile terminal 3. When the chapter is the last chapter, the next chapter button is grayed out 4. The Reply to Comment button is marked red. The above has been updated and you can experience it after clearing your browser cookies. Update preview next week 1. Add comment area to chapter content page 2. An update reminder button has been added to the comment area of ​​the details page. User clicks Push Admin Update. Updated chapter reviews and new book release reviews. will not be released. 3. The main navigation adds a new comment center entry, and a new comment notification function. You can view personal comments and others reply comments, which is convenient for users to discuss novel content in a timely manner. 4. Refactor the reading component 5. Cancel the e-mail notification function of book update, change it to on-site reminder after the bookshelf is updated, and mark it with a red dot to expand the capacity of the bookshelf. 6. Added new book recommendation entry.
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  • 2022-05-22 07:55:24

    Dear Readers,
    Solved the problem that users need to log in again after logging out of the browser, the default time after logging in is 7 days. If you have any other functional experience questions, please ask. Thanks for the support!
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  • 2022-05-08 23:37:25

    Dear Readers,
    Now there are some problems in the data center we use, and we solved it together with relevant personnel for a day, but we did not get effective results, so we decided to replace the data center in recent days. During this period, user access may be unstable, causing inconvenience. Please understand. But don't worry, the serialized books will be updated normally every day. We will notify you when the switch is complete. Thank you for your support.
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  • 2022-04-16 01:40:58

    Dear Readers,
    This update is as follows 1. The login validity period has been extended. 2. Fixed the spelling error of the word 'Chapters' in the cover copy of the novel list. Thank you for your support!
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  • 2022-04-11 23:16:31

    Dear Readers,
    I am happy to inform you that the website has returned to normal. The relevant changes are as follows 1. The database server has been expanded to carry more users. 2. Multiple pages are cached, which improves the loading speed of the page, but also causes the update log of the home page to be untimely. Our current method is to refresh it once a day. 3. Improve network security write to the end Website optimization is a long-term work, and it is done according to the growth of users. Please rest assured that we will continue to work hard. Now, please enjoy it!
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  • 2022-04-08 06:29:28

    Dear Readers,
    Due to the upgrade of the website server, the website will be inaccessible. We will complete it as soon as possible. Please believe that 2 days are enough to solve all problems. After the upgrade, we will give you a better experience. Please forgive me for any inconvenience caused!
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  • 2022-04-06 22:21:22

    Dear Readers,
    Thank you for your positive comments on the books you follow, but we found that some people use this function to post irrelevant remarks about books, such as Russia and Ukraine... For unnecessary trouble, we have added a review process to the comment function. After the review, you The comments will be displayed, please do not repeat the same comments many times. After commenting, you can wait patiently for review, thank you for your understanding!
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  • 2022-04-05 23:12:41

    Dear Readers,
    Our website has been attacked by network, and the protection level has been improved. We have solved the problem that the cover image of the novel and some styles of the website cannot be loaded. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.
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  • 2022-02-07 20:59:47

    Dear Readers,
    We fixed the ordering of comic book chapter images and improved some of the product experience.
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  • 2022-01-26 21:33:35

    Dear Readers,
    We have optimized the component for selecting other chapters when reading to make it more convenient.
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  • 2021-12-22 07:35:36

    Dear Readers,
    We have fixed the problem that some books are missing. I apologize for the trouble you caused. I wish you a happy reading. Thank you for your understanding.
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  • 2021-12-21 22:24:53

    Dear Readers,
    Due to server expansion, some novels lost chapters, temporarily affecting reading. We are working to resolve the problem and we apologize for any distress. Please do not worry, we will solve the problem as soon as possible. We are committed to bringing a better experience to all fiction lovers, and the expansion of the server will greatly improve reading speed and fluency.
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